COGH Youth
To get all the updates on COGH Youth kinds of things, text @cogh-youth to the number 81010. This will sign you up for our Remind texts.
Wednesdays 7:00PM
Wednesday Night Life is the main youth program at COGH.
During the school year, kids and teens can come for a free supper at 6:30 in the Family Life Center (bus transportation is available - call the church office to arrange a pickup). Then Wednesday Night Life youth groups (6th-12th grades) start at 7:00PM in the main Worship Center. After games and worship music, 6th-8th-graders go to the El Dorado Christian School gym (on the east side of the same block the church building is on) for open gym time and teaching from God’s Word; while 9th-12th grade students have a message from God’s Word and then split to small groups for discussion, fun, and sometimes snacks! We finish at 8:15 and bring everyone back to the church lobby.
During the summer months, Summer Wednesday Nights features a changing lineup of activities for students who have finished 6th-12th grades. We start at 7:00 in the Family Life center every week, and go from there.
Check the COGH Youth Group Facebook page or Instagram for any updates and changes.